Before securing a job to work abroad, you must do an online interview.
In the current post-COVID world, a lot of activities are being done on the web.Therefore, having online interview etiquette at hand should be part of your skills profile.
I did two interviews in my journey. Failed the first probably because of a lack of preparation coupled with anxiety.
In most cases, your recruitment agent will prepare you for the interview but you still need to have some things in mind to make the interview smooth and successful.
1. Prepare for the Interview
Research the organization you are going to work for. Most of the interview questions will revolve around their values. You also know the department you are applying to work in. Think about conditions being managed in that department.
For instance, if you are applying to a care-home, hip fractures is a likely topic. For the wards, in addition to management of different conditions there may be questions on conflict resolution. management of drug errors or other clinical mistakes is also a common question.
Part of preparation also involves outlining the questions you will ask the interviewer at the end. As this is an international move, you may want to know how the organizations upholds cultural diversity in the workplace. You should also be curious of what their orientation and preceptorship programs entail. Then there are the obvious ones like career development opportunities and so on.
2. Prepare the Technology
You need a functioning gadget, whether its a phone or laptop or desktop. Your interviewer will communicate the platform for the interview. It may be WhatsApp, Skype, Zoom etc. Make sure you can access it before hand. Unlimited internet is mandatory. You must also have a back up plan for data. Finally, test your device for audio and video quality. Consider accessories like earphones or headphones if necessary.
3. Practice
You need to practice the interview a few times especially if it is your first online interview. Your agent may offer to help you with this. If not, ask a friend to help. Find some interview questions and practice over a video call.
This gives you a chance to learn to practice listening carefully. It also enables you to practice being audible in your answers. All these boost your confidence for the actual interview.
4. Find a suitable location
Next you need to find a suitable location for the interview. Identify a quiet room. You must be able to hear and be heard clearly. Also, ensure your background is neutral. You don't want any distractions in the background for both you and your interviewer. If you have to leave home, lets say to a Cyber Cafe, ask them to provide you with this for the minutes you'll be there.
5. Dress Appropriately
Just like with any other interview, you must dress for the occasion. You need to go for something conservative and professional. There is a temptation to dress just the upper part of your body. You may need to stand during the interview. For this reason, make sure its a head to toe attire. Plus, dressing well gives you confidence.
6. Have the Necessary Material
You should have a notepad and pen just to note things down during the interview. Having a copy of your CV may also be helpful during the interview as a point of reference.
7. Body Language and Eye Contact
Just like in a face to face interview, you must portray confidence through your body language. Sit upright and maintain eye contact. When it comes to eye contact, the trick is not to look at your face or the interviewer's face but at the camera or webcam.
8. Relax
Finally, relax. Breathe. Anxiety can be your number one enemy for interviews. One of the ways of dealing with this is doing all of the above. Another way is to just calm your mind before the interview. Pace around, clear your bowel, listen to music or any other ritual you use to manage your nerves.